Exhibitors and vendors

You can redefine how your relationships are made and sustained.

  • Present your ideas

    Go beyond booths into conversational formats like sessions and networking events

  • Communicate across media

    Videos, live booths, short presentations, networking events—what modalities work best to connect you with attendees?

  • Optimize your reach

    Data analytics allow for multi-dimensional customization of your outreach throughout a conference.

  • Prototype new approaches

    Help create novel interaction formats, such as simulations, video presentations, and topic-based conversations.

Exhibitors’ Positive Experiences

“Attendees could be anywhere in the world and access my virtual exhibit 24/7.”

Exhibitors’ challenges

“How do you extend the advantages and create something new, not necessarily compete with in-person?”

“Why don’t people want to spend a lot of time in the metaverse? Because it’s focused on empty architecture and goofy avatars. Nothing that leads to conversation.”

“The first connection with people is difficult in virtual. No cues, no body language. If you’re at an onsite booth or exhibit, you can see people’s interest.”