You should have an awesome virtual conference

That’s why we’re doing this.

And to fight climate change.

And to foster inclusion.

And to build communities.

And to promote belonging.

Meet our leaders

  • Josh Gutwill, PhD


    I'm a cognitive scientist studying how people interact and learn. In 2018, I began exploring ways to improve social interactions in virtual conference environments, and now I've made this my full-time pursuit. My passion to enhance inclusion and access to professional meetings while reducing carbon emissions from conference travel drives me to develop, test and improve social norms and activity structures in the virtual space. I live in California with my wife and two (almost grown) children. For fun, I enjoy hiking, snowboarding, woodworking, and playing my guitar while singing with the family.

  • Sue Allen

    Sue Allen, PhD


    I received my Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in Mathematics and Science Education and have spent decades promoting and studying learning in out-of-school settings such as museums, libraries, afterschool and summer programs. My focus has been on how to create “safe and brave” virtual spaces where professionals who don't know each other can learn together and get to know each other socially at the same time. On the personal side, I live in Maine with my husband and enjoy snorkeling, swimming, and growing tulips.

Contact Clean Conferencing, today.