Calling all funders!
Funders have unusually large leverage to fight the climate crisis and encourage greater professional inclusion by influencing all your grantees at once.

What kind of Hybrid conference is best?
The sad truth is that none of the hybrid models we’ve seen appear to be worth the substantial costs in time and money. We recommend alternating between virtual and in-person conference formats each year. But here, we take a look at why…

The future of virtual exhibit halls
If exhibitors aren’t willing to purchase a booth at a virtual conference, the whole enterprise is at risk. Fortunately, we can improve the exhibit hall experience for everyone by matching exhibitors with attendees who actually want to talk with them.

What lies beyond webinars? Networking!
Many virtual conferences have ignored one of the most importance aspects of conferencing: Networking. This post describes spatial conferencing, which allows you to move yourself around, seeing and hearing only the people who are near you.

The future of virtual conferencing: Finding your peeps
Integration of new digital tools into virtual conferencing will make it even easier to find your peeps.

How bad is conference travel for climate change?
Conference travel in the U.S. emits 170 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, or about 3% of all the carbon emitted by the United States.

Virtual conferences can help save the world
Holding virtual conferences every other year could make a huge difference in people’s lives and in our future. They are more accessible than in-person conferences and cut carbon emissions that significantly contribute to climate change.